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To give customers the most compelling IT Support experience possible.

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Our mission is simple: make technology an asset for your business not a problem.

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We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business so your business can grow. As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.

Our Values

We develop relationship that makes a positive difference in our customers Business.

Our Values

We exibit a strong will to win in the marketplace and in every aspect of our Business

MGM Cyber Attack cost 110 Million

In September the hospitality and entertainment company #MGM Resorts was hit by a #ransomware attack that shut down its systems at MGM Hotels and Casinos.

The incident affected #hotel reservation systems in the United States and other IT systems that run the casino floors.

The company now revealed that the costs from the #ransomware attack have exceeded $110 million. The company paid third-party experts $10 million to clean up its systems.

Allegedly, a criminal gang made up of U.S. and U.K.-based individuals that cybersecurity experts call #Scattered Spider (aka Roasted 0ktapus, UNC3944 or Storm-0875) initiated a social engineering attack that led to the near shutdown of #MGM Resorts International.

Scattered Spider #encrypted several hundred of their #ESXi servers, which hosted thousands of VMs supporting hundreds of systems widely used in the hospitality industry. This caused cascading chaos. As the #ESXi hosts became encrypted one after another, the applications running on them crashed … one after another … after another. Hotel room keys no longer worked. Dinner reservation systems were down. Point-of-sale systems were unable to take payments. Guests were unable to check in or out. Slot machines were completely unavailable. At this point, MGM was hemorrhaging money – and potentially its credibility.

A nice deep technical Analysis by cyber #security company #CyberArk whic details the #attack based on the information currently available, analyze its root causes and discuss key takeaways to help organizations strengthen their security posture.

#cyber #databreach #socialengineering #ransomware #okta #security 


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